Executive commission

Dra. Ileana Reyes Morales

Head of the Sales Center of CSMC, S.A.

MSc. Aixa Díaz Miqueles

Head of the Legal Department of the CSMC, S.A

Dr. Alejandro Bello Méndez

Head of the Foreign Business and Investment Department. Ministry of Public Health

Dra. Alina Pérez Martínez

Communication Specialist at CSMC, S.A.

Lic. Diosdado Quintana

Head of Administration of CSMC, S.A.

Dra. Yolaysi Comendador Zamora

Coordinator of the Foreign Investment Group of the CSMC, S.A.

Lic. Laura Domínguez Fernández

Communication Specialist at CSMC, S.A.

MSc. Esther Hernández Ferguson

Economic specialist at CSMC, S.A.

MSc. Dra. Patricia Alonso Galbán

Communication Specialist at CSMC, S.A.